Ducati 848

Mozda nije bez masine ali po zadnjoj slici rekao bih bez nasih papira :)
boRRis929 said:
Mozda nije bez masine ali po zadnjoj slici rekao bih bez nasih papira :)

A onda i ima smisla  :wink:
Tek sad skuzio tablicu, ja po podu trazio tragove ulja i šarafe :mrgreen:
i moj kum bacio oko na njega i trazio kaj mu fali, a ja mu napomenuo da je moguce stranac.
I jel tko zvao?
Mozda je iz Grcke  :mrgreen:
evo odgovor...


The motor is in perfect condition without accidents or scratches.
I bought the motor from Croatia because I worked there in a hospital until 2 weeks ago and I had to get back home in Stafford,England.
When I tried to register it here I realized that the cost is too expensive so I'm forced to sell it and buy other one already registered here.
The motor is registered in Croatia,have Allianz insurance and valid regular Croatian number plates.
If you do not have the possibility to pick up it then I will be glad to arrange a shipping and I will support all shipping cost.
I can arrange the delivery to your country and you will have 5 days inspection period until you decide to buy it or not.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions at all.
Thank you !
btk, nek ga pošalje na 5 dana, u tih dana će osjetiti što je balkanski mentalitet  :mrgreen:
da ali tih 5 dana košta bar soma evra :)
da, al si 5 dana dasa, njega bude nakon toga koštalo puno više, uostalom idu kamijoni.. :mrgreen:
Napisao sam da cu ja doci u Englesku po motor, ali najprije da mi pošalje broj rege i šasije, pa cemo vidjeti :mrgreen:
Usput bi i đir za ovu godinu napravio :mrgreen:
stvarno misliš da biti posla motor tek tako?? :D misliš da motor postoji?? :D
ne mislim, štoviše siguran sam da ne postoji, ali lijepo je zamisliti balkansku seljačinu (pod ovim ne mislim na chillea da nebi bilo zabune, nego na bilo kojeg random licka koji bi ga uzeo) kako se iživljava na finom talijanskom stroju u vlasništvu nekog finog engleskog kirurga :mrgreen:
Da, i ja sam uvjeren da je patka.....bas me zanima da li ce poslati podatke koje sam trazio....
Chile said:
evo odgovor...


The motor is in perfect condition without accidents or scratches.
I bought the motor from Croatia because I worked there in a hospital until 2 weeks ago and I had to get back home in Stafford,England.
When I tried to register it here I realized that the cost is too expensive so I'm forced to sell it and buy other one already registered here.
The motor is registered in Croatia,have Allianz insurance and valid regular Croatian number plates.
If you do not have the possibility to pick up it then I will be glad to arrange a shipping and I will support all shipping cost.
I can arrange the delivery to your country and you will have 5 days inspection period until you decide to buy it or not.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions at all.
Thank you !
Ooo shit, doktor iz Engleske, a ja sam rekao Danske.  :cry: :anger: :anger: :anger: