SpiderMartin u sezoni ... 2022

Btw. isti dan nakon utrke je objavljen kalendar za 2021.
Oschersleben, Lausitz, Sachsenring, Most, RB Ring, Schleiz, Hocken, Nurb, Assen

Organizacijski jako podsjećaju na HMS 🙃
Oprosti Marquez nisam te prepoznao...

Pitat cu ga deff kad bude na Grobniku, a do tad forum sluzi da komentiramo, iznosimo misljenja(ko kolega Ceki), pa da se i razilazimo u misljenjima(ko ja i ti).
Jedno je komentirati, a drugo je pametovati .. ;)
sve je tu Martin lijepo napisao

DM 2020 - vice champion

Lots of emotions in this season's finale. I was standing here last year with P3 and I need to be honest, I was much happier. The reason why is that at that moment that was probably the maximum I could achieve. But this time it was much different situation. The season was short, crazy and I wasn't really the luckiest one. Mixed conditions in Hockenheim were ideal for a drama. I was strong on both wet and dry pratices. Started from fourth position I was confortably sitting on P3 waiting for Race 1 to come to an end. Unfortunately I hit the wet patch and sliped away. It was so small crash I picked up and rejoined on P7, still good enought to take the lead in championship. But, my brake lever was damaged. I was holding it for two laps but then it broke completely and I crashed into the gravel at full speed. Luckly I was ok and my team (together with me) managed to prepare the bike for Race2 in less than 2 hours!!! Thank you @ivicavugrinec , @bherceg.racing , Frank Hörholz!
But I was crazy enough to think I could still become the champion. For those of you who didn't understand my Race2, let me explain what was happening. For me to win the championship I needed to take first place (25 pts) and Luca needed to finish fourth (13pts) After two laps I was leading the race according to plan, but only me an Kevin could keep the fast rythm. Since he was there as a wild card he doesn't get any points so if he wins and I'm 2nd ai still get my 25pts. So I decided to let him go and "lose" in order to win. I slowed down and was trying the whole race to block Luca as much as possible in order for other guys to overtake him. Luca was fighting bravely and managed to stay in front of them never the less. When I saw the thing is over in last lap I gave gas and made one second advantage in last lap. This race shows that I always fight untill the end. No matter what. I also want to appologize and congratulate @lucagruenwald43 . I tried my best to be as clean and fair as possible while doing what I was doing. Hope you understand man. Last picture perfectly describes my emotions right now... I am very sad, but proud for giving absolute everything.
Ja se samo bojim.da ne ispadne da je ka pegula neki . Jer nijedno se prvenstvo ne osvaja bez trunke.sreće, to svima treba barem malo. Valjda će se posložit napokon iduće sezone jer stvarno je dobar vozač. Ona prva utrka u Nedjelju , da je osta barem 7 mi kad ga je grunwald preteka , jel bi onda bio prvak sa drugim mjestom u drugoj utrci?
Jedno je komentirati, a drugo je pametovati .. ;)
Pa onda poslusaj svoj savjet i sve 5 👍
Ali slazem se s tobom u nacelu, vidis da sam se u iducim postovima malo ispravio...
Pratio sam Vugija preko tih streamova ove godine i iskreno gledat njegove trke (i pratit sapunice po Grobnjači) su mi daleko, daleko zanimljivije od hoštaplerskih GP trka, izuzev praćenja van der Marka i naravno, Takija, naravno.

Ali šta se tiče ove Vugi sezone, Face Off ima pravo i nema tu šta se dodat, ovo mu je stvarno bio skoro pa totalni zicer, i ne kažem to jer sam forumski telemetričar nego jbg to je činjenica, 2 boda zaostatka za likom kojeg je više puta kroz sezonu namazo i kontrolirao kroz trku. Sad bi se tu moglo reć ona klasična "bit će bolje druge godine dobiva sve 100%", ali ja nebi coprao, bit će šta će bit, a sad kad mu je bilo ispred nosa jbg trebo je uzet pehar.

Vugi je jasno reko više puta koji mu je cilj u karijeri i veliki bi teret skinuo sa leđa i napravio dobar korak prema tom cilju da je 2020. godinu zaokružio ko "IDM champ", a ovako sad mora to isto brdo penjat ispočetka. A sve zbog tog klizanja u prvoj trci jebemu, nisam vidio da je o tome pisao tako da ne znam koji je razlog zašto mu se to dogodilo ali jbg.

Ne osjećam potrebu reć "svaka čast" jer to se podrazumijeva, i ne vjerujem da će mu koristit da mu kažem "bravo Vugi" ali ako ovo pročita možda se nadrka i kaže šta oni forumaši seru sad će vidit kako se vozi i onda odvozi 0:59.995 svaku trku u sezoni npr.
ja se nadam da neće tak odreagirat, nego će reć evo vama dragi forumaši titula :mrgreen:
a da su te trke koljačina, jesu
eto meni je žao da je i Rossi pao , iako preferiram drugog vozača , al to su trke i taj dan ti je takav horoskop ;)
Bravo Martin !

Izvrstan rezultat i jos vise srece zelim slijedece sezone. Mlad si, brz si, sada vec i iskusan i nadam se da ces sa izvrsnom ekipom uspjet sve to iskoristit za slozit dobar plan za slijedecu sezonu 💪 🏆

Prvak testira SBK Suzuki, samo testira, nista drugo konkretno.

Ima li kakvih ideja, planova, naznaka o slijedecoj sezoni Martina mozda?
‎Martin Vugrinec (Yamaha) back after testing in Spain‎

Martin Vugrinec feels well prepared for the IDM. The Croatian has now returned from testing in Spain.
His goal is the championship in the Supersport 600. He also has the Supersport World Championship in his sights. ‎
‎Martin Vugrinec, who turns 22 on 24 March, is also one of the favourites in the IDM Supersport 600 next season.
The native Croatian from Novi Marof, currently based in Bochum, finished the 2020 season as runner-up behind Luca Grünwald, who has since moved to team Kiefer Racing and will start with a BMW in the IDM Superbike in the future.‎

‎The Vugrinec, called "SpiderMartin", lacked the peace and clarity in some crucial situations in order to move to the top of the IDM.
That is about to change. Vugrinec: "I want to win the championship in the IDM Supersport 600 and I think I can do it."‎

‎Motorsport is expensive and if you want to achieve something in this profession, you need powerful and reliable sponsors.
Martin Vugrinec seems to have gained such support with the company "ferQUEST". Since the beginning of the year, ferQuest, a global industrial partner for all kinds of manufacturing processes based in Bremen, has been behind and supports the young Croat.‎

‎Most recently, Vugrinec and his team spent almost two weeks in Spain to test materials and fitness on the Circuit de Calafat (L'Ametlla de Mar in the Catalan province of Tarragona) and Motorland Aragon (Alcaiz in the province of Teruel in the Autonomous Region of Aragon). ‎

‎"The weather was rather unusual for this time of year in Spain. There were low temperatures, strong winds and then it even rained a bit," Martin Vugrinec described his impressions in an interview with SPEEDWEEK.com.
And: "However, I am very satisfied with the work we have done.
Thanks to my sponsor Dunlop, I had enough tyres to train in all conditions.
The point was to get the feeling for the grip, to go back to the box and try out some new things on the setup."‎

‎The Yamaha driver in Spain also did not miss the work on physical fitness.
Vugrinec: "In addition to racing, I also enjoyed riding a road bike through the hills of Spain. The country is really beautiful."‎

Vugrinec, who is also hoping for one or two wildcards in the Supersport World Championship in the future, is on his way to Croatia, where he will hold a course at his racing school "SpiderMartin Racing Courses" from 19 to 21 March at the race track in Grobnik/Rijeka.
IDM-Termine 2021
30.04. – 02.05. Eurospeedway Lausitzring
07.05. – 09.05. ADAC Sachsenring Classic (IDM Superbike 1000)
20.05. – 23.05. Speedweek Oschersleben (IDM SBK 1000, SSP/SST 600, SSP 300)
11.06. – 13.06. Autodrom Most (CZE)
16.07. – 18.07. Truck Grand Prix Nürburgring (IDM Superbike 1000)
23.07. – 25.07. Schleizer Dreieck
13.07. – 15.08. TT Circuit Assen (NLD)
27.08. – 29.08. Red Bull Ring (AUT)
24.09. – 26.09. Hockenheimring
'Nadamo se da će se u taj projekt konačno uključiti i državne sportske institucije te da neće biti ignoriran kao naš nastup na Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cupu.'
'Nadamo se da ćemo to uspjeti uz pomoć ekipe iz tima, dosadašnjih i novih sponzora i partnera, a bilo bi i puno lakše da iza mene konačno stane moja matična država.'

Sramota za HMS.
2 faula, mozda bude treca sreca..
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Do hms para se ka i do svega u rh dolazi preko politike. Cim ga toliko ignoriraju ocito su negdje zeznuli i povezali se s krivim ljudima.
Onda nek vozi za Slovence, Austrijance ili Švabe. Zakaj uopce ima tu našu zastavu, ako ga nije niko u stanju podržati. Žalosno, ali je to faking Hrvatska. Bitno da se ide na MxON ili kaj takvoga, a u motokrosu smo daleko nigde
Svaka mu cast, ne samo na onome na stazi, nego i izvan staze..i da sutra stane karijera, napravio je super temelje dalje, sto apsolutno nije nebitno..

sto se ostalog tice..20g se stvari nisu maknule s mjesta, zasto bi sada? Tragedija u kojoj uvijek isti pune dzepove..