HONDA CBR 1100XX koliko nas ima

Yoyoyo!!!!! Otvorena je naša tema za dogovore oko XX dana pa je vrijeme da se prebacimo i upisujemo tamo!!!!

To je zato jer je ovo ipak tehnička tema, a i radi tradicije :wink:
Sve je sad u smjeru xx dana pa da ja malo razbijem temu..  :D .. Naime ako kome pomogne rijesio sam one cudne zvukove kaj sam u prijasnjem postu pisao.... Izmjenom lanca i lancanika.. Ono kaj na hladno udari je korpa i to nema s tim veze.... Uglavnom ajmo aad na drugu stvar.. Otvorio sam tu temu tu u tehnicim pitanjima

ako neko ima il je imao slican slucaj nek se javi.. Ideje molicu
Mirko nije bed ovo je tehnička XX tema.

Još danas i 3DANA DO XX DANA!!!!!!
prošao je i taj 5. XX dan ,skupilo se 21 xx i jos ponesto drugih motora ,rekord od 23 nismo oborili ali budemo iduce godine




Pozdrav motoristi!

My name is Vladislav and I am from Bulgaria. This June I will be visiting your beautiful country for the first time and I saw that you have a very active biker community here. It would be a pleasure to meet a good company, would love to hear some tips too. My plan is to drive on the Jadranska Magistrala from 6th to 9th of June: Rijeka - Zadar - Sibenik - Split - Makarska (Sveti Jure) - Dubrovnik - Kotor - Budva - and then home.

I am a big fan of the Blackbird, would love to share some experience :) Uploading some photos of my little beast


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Welcome in the Croatian motorbike forum .

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Welcome brother! 
There are many people who will help!
You can contact me through Facebook
Josip Miković for help  (y)
And welcome to Croatia!
Hi Vladislav!

You only have 4 days? Thats little. But good. What interests you? How can we help?
My first question would be if there is any problems, queues when going to Dubrovnik through BiH?

It seems that I'll be staying in Sibenik, anybody with a bird around? Any interesting places around? I don't really like mass tourism, I like quiet, beautiful places so I can enjoy my second hobby - photography.

Maybe you'll recommend some places to eat on the Magistrala?  :) Everybody loves a good snack
BrainStormeR said:
My first question would be if there is any problems, queues when going to Dubrovnik through BiH?

It seems that I'll be staying in Sibenik, anybody with a bird around? Any interesting places around? I don't really like mass tourism, I like quiet, beautiful places so I can enjoy my second hobby - photography.

Maybe you'll recommend some places to eat on the Magistrala?  :) Everybody loves a good snack
Hallo! I m living near by Šibenik in Trogir and working as Tourguide mostly in direktion of Krka Nat Park! You have very nice ride and sorounding from Šibenik-Skradin-Roški Slap-Knin! You can ride with one side of river and come back with anonher side (road)! If you want a whoke day trip continue from knin to Sinj -Split and with a coast road back to Šibenik! If you are there call, if i m not bussy we can have drink somewere!!
Greetings Ernest
BrainStormeR said:
My first question would be if there is any problems, queues when going to Dubrovnik through BiH?

It seems that I'll be staying in Sibenik, anybody with a bird around? Any interesting places around? I don't really like mass tourism, I like quiet, beautiful places so I can enjoy my second hobby - photography.

Maybe you'll recommend some places to eat on the Magistrala?  :) Everybody loves a good snack

There is no problem crossing the border between Croatia and BiH. The only problem you have is that you took too little time to visit Croatia :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Food by Jadranska Magistrala hmmmm? I think that food will be beter in places araund it thenby the road itself. Unfortunatley I can not help that.
BrainStormeR said:
I like quiet, beautiful places so I can enjoy my second hobby - photography.

Welcome to Croatia  :021: if you're into photography you could detour from D8, from Karlobag up the mountain pass over to Lika, it's a somewhat isolated part of the country, great for landscape photos.

Ride safe :021: